happy out of the closet to me. blog-related. i had been slowly (sloooowly) building a backlog of posts before i went public so if anyone actually came to this here blog they would have more than like, 5 things to look at. however, kelsi over at brighter sides offered up some fancy free ad space to lucky first responders on her twitter and i mean, that was just too good to pass up. (thanks, kelsi!)
so here i am, world. warts and all. i had wanted to spruce up before anyone came over, maybe (definitely) do a little (a lot of) blog refreshing. but i am learning and growing and someday soon i hope things will settle down in here. i mean, it would be nice to have more than one tab up there.
also, and just so you know, my spirit animal is the sloth, so what i just said may never actually happen. it's the thought that counts, amirite?
what i am *really* saying is that it is kelsi's fault that my unpolished blog is already public. ;) (sloths also don't take responsibility for their actions, did you know?) i take no responsibility for my actions!
in other news, and because honestly this is what blogs are for (no one wants to hear what you ate for dinner, is what i am learning) i have a handy tip for you. omg i'm so crafty and resourceful, you guys!
so the other day i got into my car to go to wendy's for some luncheon (that's it about the food part, i promise), and it was all hot and groggy out. what to do with my hair? put it up, of course. so i scrounge and scrounge and come up with nary a hair clip or band. you guys, i couldn't even find a pen to do that twisty stick thing, and honestly, when an adult woman person doesn't even have a pen in her purse for pen needs, that woman has done a fail. (and by the way, where are all my hair restrainers? i buy them, i use them, they disappear, and then i have to buy more. what *is* that? is it just me? are they escaping from me?) so, back to the car and my hair. a-ha! i spy a cylinder of glow stick necklaces on the passenger seat floor. (these are the types of things i have in my car that i don't even notice anymore until my day of need). i think i can maybe fashion something out of one, and i do. behold:
use it like you would use a pen for pen hair, and then bend it into a circle, securing it with one of the necklace holders. (if you don't know pen hair: take one stick of necklace, pull your hair into a pony, wrap your hair once or twice around the necklace starting at the base of your pony, twist the necklace until your hair gets into a tight messy ball, jab one of the points into your scalp hair (or both points if it's still loose), and then bend it into a circle, etc.)
my car is kind of turning into a hoopty, so i will call this the Hoopty-Do. awww, whaaaaat?
and... i have just given you my first style post. and now that you understand what i have going on here and what the future most likely holds for this space...
you are welcome.
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