i have had so many adventures, big and small, and a couple of misadventures since my last post in september. long story in listicle form?
- foo fighters show
- broken bells show
- horrible two-week all-of-a-sudden move (ugh, this was nearly literally the worst)
- two (count 'em, TWO) first aid kit shows back-to-back
- really awesome honeymoon at Disney World
- it's the holiday season
- NYE in DC with the mom in a fancy hotel and an old 97s show
- a week of sick
- valentine's in C-ville
i wanted to at least write a year in review post featuring all of the things i just didn't write about this last year. and then i was sick during my winter vacation, and by the time that was over, last year was so last year that the round-up/recap mood was over.
i still want to write about some of it though, and post pictures if for no other reason than i don't forget it. so you may see that here. all you crickets.
for now, i offer a panorama photo of the sunset at Church Hill Park on Sunday (and it was freezing, indeed):
ps. Beck just announced a C-ville show in may and yes, please! dug out the cc tonight and charged those suckers - whee!