
Sunday, February 9, 2014

what's in the purrrrrse?

you read that title in brad pitt's seven voice, right?  because that's pretty much all i hear when someone asks me anything starting with "what's in the.."  i promise i don't have any heads in here though.

i've seen these posts since the dawn of time/blogging, and never done one.  but i'm remedying that fact tonight, and i can just imagine the cheering from the blogosphere.  (sounds just like crickets! *grin*)

ya'll know i like to keep it real,so these are all the items in my purse at the moment. no fair leaving all the cute things and putting the tampons to the side.  so now, i give you... my purse.  live and unadulterated...

thar she blows!
so yeah. i have a dumb phone which i use on the regular (can't afford the data fees on an iphone), an iphone (for music/photos/apps/wifi uses), and an itouch (an old one for extra music).  iphone earbuds which i only just realized a couple of months ago that i can control my music from, and it is awesome.

i also have about 37 lip products (ok, only 11) which multiply like rabbits as i tend to clear them all out then put them back one by one as i'm going off to work on any particular day.

pacifica lotion, perfume roll-on and solid perfume in tuscan blood orange, because yum and this is my winter/cold scent. perhaps some sharp eyes will note the clearance sticker on the lotion because $2 at marshall's will not be denied.

coupon case, wallet, checkbook (rent) and pen, harajuku lovers mini notebook (for my lists and musings) and harajuku lovers mirror.  the mirror is reflecting my pink puffed dots pajama pants.  i'm comfy like a baby!

drugstore, including pills, emergency tampons (i like the instead softcup, for the record), hair clip.

odds and ends include a guitar pick (not sure why i have that or where it came from), a penny that fell out of my wallet, and a clear button.  which i think came off my pants and work and i've yet to put back on.   gum which i am addicted too, but oddly mostly only at work. i frustrate chew. trident layers is the bomb, as we used to say in my day. i like the cherry/lime the best but this candy cane one is good too.

it would have been cute if my aligning their bottoms had actually done that.

my one guilty pop culture pleasure.

oh, and the purse is by roxy.  i'll have to remember to do a post about the other lives i would have led if i'd had multiple chances.  one of them is surfer girl. (i might have made mark go with me and my mom on my 22nd birthday to see blue crush.)

your turn!  what's in your purse?  (and no fair editing!)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

world market "window" shopping

i saw some tasty jewelry at world market last week, and if i were a rich girl i'd have given my wallet a workout.  i don't think i'd ever fawned over the jewelry section there for quite as long.  i took one photo of something i liked, and then i ended up just keeping it out because i kept seeing more beautiful goodies.  i'm trying to save up and pay off at the moment, so i didn't get anything, but i was sorely tempted.

i love these wrap watches, and the spring sorbet colors.  they had a dark teal
one on clearance for half-price, but i just couldn't pull the trigger on that one.

this delicate linked ring is interesting.  but the only finger it fits on is (as ichie crane would say) "espoused to another."
and p.s. what can i use on my dry dry cuticles and dry finger tips???

if i'd bought anything it would probably have been this one.  i really like old brass patina, even if it's faked.

i just love coral and aqua/mint. i don't really have any chunky necklaces, but i could happily own any or all of these.

normally yellow would be my first choice, but this lemon drop-colored stone is just so pretty.
i make my own fun.

and now for a few extra-curricular photos:

this deer print scarf is dear. but i'd take out the stiff posable wire inside.

what a sweet bird ring or necklace holder.

i have a sort of love/scorn relationship with the mason jar popularity, but i do like this lamp base.

these tin containers were really reasonably priced (under $10?).  i would totally use these in the bathroom.

we don't have a bar (i drink liquor maybe up to 3 times a year, mark never, and have company about as often)
but i would totally use this deer head as kick-ass necklace display.

and for your convenience, i've linked to some of the above, or similar.

World Market Jewelry

Saturday, February 1, 2014

week in review - january week 5

1.  looked at a lot of shoes online...

Shoe Blues go with this dress:

Adrift on a Cloud Dress

2.  mark joined me for lunch one day...

... and we had panera.. yummers.  i've been ordering the fontina grilled cheese and tomato soup on the regular, but the sandwich needs a touch more flavor.  i usually salt it.  next time i go i'm going to see if the big kid grilled cheese is still on offer.. that one has bacon and a different mix of cheeses.  the soup is delicious and tastes almost like a tomato sauce with a hint of red pepper than your usual creamy soup.

3.  returned some stuff to target...


and re-bought them online during their 2-day 20% off sale.  hooray!

4.  discovered a new favorite on netflix:

he's kind of a genius. mark and i cracked up so many times watching this.  and with his neuroses, attitude, and ways of thinking, could be a long lost relative of either mark or me. or both.  (i don't think we're related, but you never know.)  i'm so glad we have more episodes to watch.

5. watched a cute movie...

...while writing this post.  i didn't expect it to be so cute and entertaining, but it was worth watching.  i'm a little confused about how they got away from the [spoiler], but i'm not gonna think too hard about a kid's movie.

6.  finished one book...

...and started another.

i've read the first maybe 7 or 8 times, but i think i've only read the second once.  which is nice for a change.  (i'm a voracious re-reader.. i like what i like.  and you can't always get to the library at 11 pm, you know?)

7. had my shoe size beliefs challenged..

i'm still not sure how i fit my size 10s into these blowfish size 7s, but it's cool.  they were on clearance for $5 and i almost bought them just on principle, but they really were too uncomfortable to wear for doing.. anything. 

8.  picked up some fun tweezerman harajuku lovers items..

Harajuku Lovers Tweezerman

i have some of the emery boards, but at $2 a pop it's hard not to take advantage and stock up.  (i also have some full-size ones, which i like, and some mini tweezers, which are amazing.  seriously.. tweezerman.. buy them.)

 9. observed wildlife in it's natural habitat...

(i did that vertical filming thing.. i'm sorry.  so shame. much apologies.)

wish i had had my real camera!

the median of a side street i commute home through.. this little guy (my mom studied ornithology and between that and the internet, we decided it's probably an immature cooper's hawk) didn't give two hoots i was filming him from the car 4 feet away.  (hoots.  haha.)  he was too busy picking at his (what i assumed were) varmint vittles.

10.  snow day

ugh.  i should have thought this list out better; i wouldn't have ended with this one.  i used to love snow.  being in so cal i'd only get it when i'd go to albuquerque for the xmas holidays or when we'd go up to big bear to ski.  now that i've had to live with it for a few years, i'm totally over it.  it's pretty when it's falling.  and i'm at home snugged up on the couch.  and that's about it. 

this was pretty much my drive into work.

i kid.. it wasn't too bad except on my street.  i slid a little going into work.  but i was a little annoyed that work didn't delay opening or at least let us wear jeans.  c'est la vie.

they're predicting more for next week.

i say no.

what did everyone else do this week?