
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Christine's Sea-Monkeys® Adventure: mea culpa

Christine's Sea-Monkeys® Adventure: mea culpa: i am failing the sea monkeys.  they cry out to be reanimated and i deny them.  i am a bad overlady.  i started to ready their home and then...

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Christine's Sea-Monkeys® Adventure: candelarium, ho!

Christine's Sea-Monkeys® Adventure: candelarium, ho!: land, err, a place to put monkey water has been spotted!  the monkey's have a new home!  thanks to the gracious generosity of e's so...

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Christine's Sea-Monkeys® Adventure: in the meantime...

Christine's Sea-Monkeys® Adventure: in the meantime...: the sea-monkeys have gone missing, that is to say, they are currently under a pile of miscellaneous goods and services on one of the arm cha...

click on through to read my brief adventure.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Christine's Sea-Monkeys® Adventure: it's all beginning

Christine's Sea-Monkeys® Adventure: it's all beginning: sea-monkeys®. i'd always heard about them, but never encountered one, much less grown any. what are they? are they really monkeys? are...

click on through to read my brief adventure.